Mini-Research on SEM's / Federal Court ruling

Several years ago there was first in my life financial debt (created due to fraudulent cutting access to my money by British Barclays bank) for paying for my apartment in the center of capital of Ukraine. Today I need to create another debt just for sending a letter(!) to the Federal Court of Switzerland?
The Swiss governmental SEM knows I have ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY since 2018, when the bank in Zurich, Switzerland refused to help me. From its side, the SEM does not pay me even the minimal 3 Franks per day other people around have for granted. It also refused to provide me with tickets for reaching nearest cities, where free lawyers and post offices are located, forcing me to run 34 kilometers for implementing that root on my own (see my videos in the "Hard Way For The Justice" - The Federal Court is aware of the whole story, but keep demanding from me 750 CHF (absolutely impossible in my situation), otherwise threating me with dismissing my case and deporting to Ukraine that I left for escaping the death.
I qualify that as Financial Genocide

Formally, the clear definition of the proposed Financial Genocide is currently absent in the UN's and internatinoal legislation, let alone at the national level. However, that does not mean the problem of Financial Genocide does not exist. Historically, for example, this idea has always been present in practically any immigration legislation. The need for asylum or refugee status has always been recognized in corresponding laws for situations where foreign governments committed genocide against a certain race or group of people.
My case it is an example of genocide of a certain group of people. In particular, the people WHO HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY! I first warned Ukrainians about danger of that situation six years ago, when nobody believed into its reality. Because of that I was forced to come the full way through it on my own, until ultimately appearing in Switzerland, where the whole story started its repeating at the next (higher) round of its historical spiral, evidently aiming to embrace victims of the next global financial crisis. Swiss federal employees do not believe my words, although this time my "private" Financial Genocide is set by the Barclays bank to be extended to the level of the richest people of all countries, including Switzerland.
Article 3 of Swiss Asylum Act states:
"Refugees are persons who in their native country or in their country of last residence are subject to serious disadvantages or have a well-founded fear of being exposed to such disadvantages for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or due to their political opinions".
That does not say about a need to be at a really final stage of that chain of "serious disadvantages" as the only valid condition for considering people refugees. Moreover, the law explicitely allows a person just to "have a well-founded fear of being exposed to such disadvantages for reasons of ... nationality, ... or due to their political opinions", - and that was precisely my case!

On September 7 I wrote to the SEM:
"According to Article 7 of Asylum Act, "Refugee status is credibly demonstrated if the authority regards it as proven on the balance of probabilities." Negative decision of the SEM in my case means the probability of what I am saying is lower than 50%. Really?"
Compare that with international legal practice on the matter, e.g., in the United States:
"Fortunately, asylum applicants don’t have to prove that persecution is guaranteed to await them upon return. In fact, one court said that, “Even a ten percent chance of persecution may establish a well-founded fear.” Al-Harbi v. INS, 242 F.3d 882, 888 (9th Cir. 2001).
What is common for these two approaches? In both cases the digits are SUBJECTIVE!!! What's the difference then between mathematical values they express? It's similar to deciding which particular infinity is bigger than other ones. They are the same! No matter whether you add to it 0.001, or billion, it always remains infinity! So, it's really not important what exactly value is assigned to the values. The main purpose of such approaches is to formally hide the underlying subjectivity.
Look, in general, how difference between two subjective values can be measured by precise mathematical numbers? Strictly speaking, under these conditions the mathematically exact numbers stop being numbers. The problem is in any court decision there is always a fact of similar artificial assigning, after which the digits simply stop being digits. They become manifestation of subjective process of assigning, where resulting court decision is intrinsically subjective!
Judges can make any decision. And that seems is the biggest juridical secret!

The main question then becomes why exactly decision on my case appeared negative?

"If you have been specifically targeted for persecution, this will greatly strengthen your case. For example, asylum applicants have provided evidence that they were threatened or followed, placed on a death list, received individual warnings, knew of colleagues being killed, and so forth."
I was followed by unknown to me people, many times, who finally threatened to my life, clearly demanding to remove my videos from Youtube or leave the country.
"The more serious and widespread the threat of persecution to the group with which you are identified or of which you are a member, the less individualized the threat of persecution you need to show."
I so many times when people similar to those who threatened me beaten or attempted to kill everybody who openly protested, including armed police officers and famous Ukrainian politicians.
"If you are unable to prove persecution in the past, ... you will need to show a good reason to fear future persecution, by providing credible (believable), direct, and specific factual evidence. That will likely involve submitting documentary evidence (such as human rights reports, newspaper articles, ... and credible and persuasive testimony (your own story).
... If you cannot show that you were individually targeted, the next best thing is to show a pattern or practice in your home country of persecution of a group of persons similarly situated to you."
"Attach reports about human rights conditions in your home country for the preceding two or three years (and make sure to include the years(s) during which you were persecuted)."
I fairly tried to do that. Since the end of September I provided both SEM and Federal Court with a lot of related examples. For example, in my first reply to Federal Court <> I doubted the SEM's opinion about reliability of Ukrainian state "protection" by referring Ukrainian press-releases like "Lawyers of the injured activists collected and transferred to the Ukrainian Truth Association data on 55 attacks on public figures which occurred since the beginning of 2017. All of them remained undisclosed".
Does similar practice for those 55 cases exist in Switzerland? No. Why Swiss authorities then strongly insist to look for a "reliable" protection out of Switzerland and precisely in the place where that practice exists?!!
Today I can add to it the Report of Human Rights Watch of June 25, 2019 "Ukraine: Investigate Journalist’s Killing", which is devoted to Vadym Komarov, 58, who lived and worked in Cherkasy, 200 kilometers from my Kyiv city. "He carried out hard-hitting investigations, and ultimately died from injuries in May attack”.
"Media freedom has increasingly been under pressure in Ukraine. The media watchdog, Institute of Mass Information, has documented at least six cases of journalists beaten or injured in the first five months of 2019. It reported that 12 more received threats and 48 faced obstruction of their professional activities, including damaged equipment and restricted access. The murder of renowned journalist Pavel Sheremet, in 2016 in central Kyiv, remains unresolved. Attacks against activists and human rights defenders have also been on the rise since 2018."

Moreover, another report of the Human Rights Watch of October 2018 "Ukraine: Address Attacks against Activists and Human Rights Defenders" states:
"More than 50 attacks on activists and human rights defenders in Ukraine have been recorded by local human rights organizations in just the last nine months, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, and Frontline Defenders said today. ... The purpose of such attacks is clear: to silence activists and human rights defenders and to discourage others from speaking out against injustice and standing up for human rights"

I left Ukraine because of fighting for its Future, and because I know its "protection" reality better than the SEM. The main problem is the SEM did not believe my words from the beginning, cutting similar references as "non-related". Such approaches can discurrage anyone from any political activity. Should I become a politician, who fights for Human Rights here, in Switzerland, on example of my own asylum case?!!
I struggle with the court-related issues here, in Switzerland. It has been technically difficult for me to implement a legislative protection in this safe country. And up to now I receive only negative decisions. How similar processes can be possibly better in Ukraine? Let alone without money, the court is aware of. Moreover, the fact of complaining and applying to the court itself can trigger certain aggressive activity against me. I have no desire to check the later with my own life (just tell me who has).
Nevertheless, Swiss authorities use that argument of "protection" theory for issuing negative decisions on my appeal. Why? To hide their political decision for my rejection under formal excuses of the law that has sufficient provisions for any decision?

"Protection against non-state prosecution in the State of origin shall be considered sufficient if the subject has effective access to a functioning and efficient protection infrastructure and it is individually reasonable to use such national protection system."
In my case it wasn't "individually reasonable". Based on my life experience, I had serious fears that my appeal for the help to police will be turned against me. Most attacks to Ukrainian political activists were qualified as a casual "hooliganism" to not disturb the public with negative statistics. It's difficult to explain to foreigners. My SEM's interviewer, for example, managed to turn even my sincere words that I preferred not to apply to police as always resolved my problems on my own against me, falsely stating in his report it was exclusively my own choice to refuse help of the national protection system. To better understand Ukrainian reality, I would advise you to study the legal case against Attorney General of Ukraine in 2016-2019 Yuriy Lutsenko, who “succeeded” in escaping his arrest and running outside the country.
"In my case clear0ly subjective opinions of governmental employees at all levels substitute the Law. In particular, in my official response to Federal Court of November 12 <> I referred the fact of "deification" the words of the judge I was a witness of personally. In particular, his words about my chances for the asylum "doomed for failure" were treated as the final "death sentence" for any related activity (all new lawyers to whom I showed just one page of the Federal Court decision refused even to read my case after that). And that despite that opinion was a subject of influence from the fact of intentional FALSIFYING <> of available information by the SEM."
It's also worth repeating that in my previous letters to officials of the SEM and Federal Court I stressed the fraudulent nature of their leading approach of SEPARATING my case into small unrelated parts for assisting making any conclusion they want to. In particular, I was talking about separation of political and financial sides of my life story, then about further separating of the former into threats to my life from the state only, with dividing the facts into formally proven and unproven ones, thus destroying integrity of the whole case. Selective using of the resulting tiny "atoms" of a complex multidimensional truth allows distorting of the later. The result is rather controversial: While it might correspond to the Letter of the Law, its Spirit definitely appears beyond consideration.
Today that convenient for federal employees separation from reality transforms into
Countdown to my KILLING
by continuing my Financial Genocide
in correspondence with their official decision to
deport me to the country, where I received threats to my life,
It doesn't matter whether that killing will be for POLITICAL, FINANCIAL, HUMANITARIAN, or BANKING reasons. What's the difference?
The Federal Swiss employees cynically state there is a difference, and the difference matters. Well, that could be so for hem personally, as under certain wordings their responsibility for the killing may formally disappear. But for me it's definitely not. My dying on the streets out of hunger and cold due to my conflict with Barclays bank differs from dying on the same streets due to political reasons? Really?!! Is there a difference at what streets and at what country my financial genocide can be completed? The result is set to be the same! The death is always death.
But I am a live person. And I am a human. I demand respect!
Especially taking into account the unprecedented scale of both financial and political aspects of my life case (see and for details). Meanwhile, in just one week there will be 100 days since I applied to Switzerland for protection, with no progress about it from the side of Swiss government so far. And that is despite any delay for resolving my really URGENT case, including delay for settlement my banking problems, is AGAINST Swiss NATIONAL INTERESTS!


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