#1 evidence of SEM's FALSIFICATION!

This is just one example of evident falsifications of my case by Swiss SEM

Fragments from my Appeal to the Federal Court on October 15, 2019

Arguments at the text of SEM's decision on my Asylum [Apendix 1]: 

/Pagina 4/

"He said he had left Ukraine because of his problems with the Barclays Bank,
specifically to attempt to obtain the amount of money he had in stock at his bank account and that the bank would not want to hand them over because of the lack of some documents. In addition, she stated that she received some threats because of the videos which he posted on YouTube."

1.1. I never was saying that in the sense suggested by the interviewer above! On the contrary, I always stressed the fact I left Ukraine because of threats to life due to my political views. Related financial problems were just consequence of my forced need to leave the country in which I lived most years of my life. Main reason for my departure was the fact that since certain point I have had a "well-founded fear about my security" because of creating and publishing videos contradicting official state policy.

1.2. Here SEM intentionally falsifies order of events I presented to it during interview. The order was just opposite: (1) I left Ukraine exclusively because of political threats. (2) Financial problems started later. /See Appendix 3/

1.3. As for British Barclays bank, from documents I presented the SEM must know that by the time I first visited European branch of the Barclays, that conflict already lasted during whole 18 years, but never pushed me outside boundaries of Ukraine during that long period.

 /Pagina 3/
"In August 2017, to get his money from the bank Barclays, he left Ukraine to travel to various European countries and contact local branches of the said Bank. He left the country without money and, to solve the problem with his bank, he then applied to Switzerland for asylum."

2.1. Here SEM intentionally falsifies properly presented to it documented facts <Appendix 3>:
The fact is in August 2017 I moved to Crimea, not EU!!! Then I lived in Crimea at least 4-5 months, and only after that moved to Europe.

That confusion about dates appeared after the SEM failed to provide me with a copy of my passport, where all dates of my movement are clearly and officially stamped. During my first interview I officially stated to SEM I cannot remember all the dates, as I visited many countries during last years. That's why I explicitly asked the SEM for that copy of my passport. I asked it BEFORE, ON, AND AFTER MY FIRST INTERVIEWS!!! However, I obtained it only in the middle of my last SEM's interview on September 27. Interpreter translated the above-mentioned corrections in accordance with entry stamps in my passport, but interviewer refused to include that into main records of official SEM's hearing, saying it's not important. Because right dates undermined his main conclusion “he left Ukraine to travel to various European countries and contact local branches of the said Bank”? Neither Crimea nor Ukraine have Barclays' offices.
And the SEM's statement "He left the country without money" contradicts the fact of my numerous travels between (and within) Europe and Middle East. The SEM confiscated corresponding air tickets and receipts for my staying in expensive hotels in many countries at its first search, and put it (without my consent) to my SEM's file. 

2.2. Romania, which was the first(!) EU's country I visited, as well as Bulgaria, where I lived after that for many months, have no Barclays' branches. The same about many other EU countries I visited later, e.g. Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, etc., where Barclays' branches are absent too. So the key SEM's conclusion about existence of direct evidence for prevailing importance of financial part in my life story, with which it tried to support its rejection for my asylum, appeared evidently FALSIFIED!!!

2.3. Even if above-mentioned SEM's allegations were true indeed, Swiss Asylum Act prohibits only "exclusively ... economical reasons", which are obviously not applicable in my case of "deadly dangerous mixture of political and financial reasons" /see my email to SEM of .../. Although, the SEM never mentioned to me any possibility of obtaining humanitarian visa, despite knowing I was dying of hunger last years, having ZERO money up to now.

2.4. The fact of presence of that sort of SEM's arguments in its list of grounds officially used for supporting rejection for my asylum is a clear demonstration of distorting the truth for achieving a preset result. Taking into account existence of other reasons for which SEM would be interested to get rid of me as soon as possible (in particular, for preventing open investigation for SEM's issues of financial nature, outlined in my emails to the SEM since September 6 (see Apendix <33>)), such procedural difficulties can be considered an act of SEM's FRAUD!


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