To Presidents of Swiss Confederation -3

My most recent letters to Swiss Government it simply did not respond to:

Date: January 6, 2020
To: Simonetta Sommaruga, President of the Swiss Confederation 2020

Karin Keller-Sutter, Head of the Federal Department of Justice,
Guy Parmelin, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs
Cc: Walter Thurnherr, Federal Chancellor of Switzerland,
Filippo Grandi, United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees,
The United Nation offices in Geneva, Switzerland,
Swiss & Worldwide PRESS, Internet mass-media

This is an official charge of Swiss Government and related federal authorities in the crime of attempting my MURDER according to Financial Genocide definition, which is in progress right now!
The chain of actions taken by Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) under silent approval of Swiss Presidents and United Nations included abusing Swiss and international laws (starting from direct violation of UN's Universal Human Rights for life and fair court procedure, up to consequences of global scale ) with the aim of intentional avoiding of stopping the FinancialGenocide in their own fraudulent interests, I outlined in my numerous emails to the SEM, UN, and press previously. And I have all reasons to believe existence of the latter fact appeared a main reason for the SEM's negative decision on my political case. Ultimately, it sent me handcuffed outside the country that cannot be considered "neutral" anymore, following illegal placing me in Swiss prison with local criminals for several days, despite I never broke the law before.
Top Swiss authorities and politicians, namely, all Presidents, Head of the SEM, and Federal Judge, who should respect the law by definition, have demonstrated abusing the law (already compromised in general by lawmakers due to creating space for a fraudulent legal uncertainty allowing federal employees to take any decision they want to --, starting from illegal demanding from me the court's fees in violation of PA as described at
Moreover, the actions of Swiss Government force me to break the law:
After officially licensed by Switzerland Barclays bank in Geneva joined my Financial Genocide started by its parent office in the UK through destroying my space of living in my home country, I was forced to exist at the edge of DEATH for years! All that time I had no opportunity for obtaining a legitimate income neither for staying in Europe, nor for living it. I made a real Miracle to remain alive without breaking the law! Since December 4, 2019, however, Swiss SEM has exported that situation from the richest country of Europe to the poorest one to KILL ME FOR SURE!
Because of Swiss authorities, I am still homeless and jobless, but in a much severe life-threatening environment. A good news is that according to the law, here I have a right for job. The bad news there is practically no jobs at all! Let alone fair salaries. After spending in Switzerland quite significant time, I can testify that Swiss jobs are the SAME jobs as in any other country, - but under more comfortable conditions and with SEVERAL TIMES BIGGER SALARY!

After Swiss authorities delivered me handcuffed to the airport in Ukraine, I spent there more than a week. Why? I lived in the airport, slept at its chairs, - because I had no $5 for a bus ticket to get the city (21 kilometers away of Kiev). And no idea what exactly I will do there even if by some miracle I appear there.
The question to you is "WHY?!!"
Why I need to live that way?
What I did to "deserve" it?
Why you are killing me?

The current absence of officially registered address for my permanent place of living (because of a need to sell it in 2017 for paying off the first in my life financial debt, created by the Barclays bank) makes it impossible to apply for practically any decent job, hotel/hostel, or even bank account!
And that's a fatally closed circle!!!

Ultimately, I started from announcing the UK BANKRUPT:
Debts must always be paid!!!
The whole story goes beyond of being just a private financial issue of me personally. It becomes a global political problem, at least due to unprecedented sum of debt to me developed by the Barclays/BOE banks, - INFINITY!
On January 7
- Christmas in my country
(Orthodox Church calendar)
is also my
There is a freezing temperature here.
And I have no money
for any hostel
or food

The Question is
who will die first!

Unless I obtain the first
as a gift
towards my Barclays' debts
- by January 7 -
sent through Western Union
to my name in Ukraine,

my next step will be
starting my own BMoney
since January 7
(no license required)
with developing the
as a part of the scheme

Sergiy Beloy,
Creator of BMoney,
De-facto Owner of Barclays Bank,
Msc. Information Management (degree with distinction from the University of East London, UK)

Formally, Swiss authorities pretend complying with the law. "According to the law", they refused to help me (despite the law contained enough reasons for the opposite decision). Consequently, according to the law they officially (at the state level) announced me a lier, despite that statement was obviously false! According to the law, they provided me with absolutely impossible in my circumstances terms for appealing to the Federal court, without lawyer, translator, telephone, Internet, or just a quite space to focus on any serious writing. According to the law, the "free lawyer" who supposed to protect my interests at the early stage, could (and did) practically nothing. According to the law they did not pay me even the minimal financial support 3 CHF per day they paid to the rest of people in similar situations for granted. According to the law, they absolutely illegally cancelled free circulation of money. And according to the law, during all 108 days of my dealing with the SEM, they refused me in any medical help about the shockingly strong pain because of the constantly bleeding wounds:

Date: December 31, 2019
To: Ueli Maurer, President of the Swiss Confederation 2019
Karin Keller-Sutter, Head of the Federal Department of Justice
Guy Parmelin, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs
Cc: Walter Thurnherr, Federal Chancellor of Switzerland
Filippo Grandi, United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees
The United Nation offices in Geneva, Switzerland
Swiss & Worldwide PRESS, Internet mass-media
I am ending this year with publishing the bills Swiss authorities knew it was impossible for me to pay, but turned the latter factor into a formal excuse for themselves for escaping dealing with the key subject of my case, - unprecedented in the banking history the fact of developing INFINITE DEBT of the key financial players (namely, the famous Bank Of England behind its much older "system" Barclays Bank including its Swiss branches) to me, Sergiy Beloy (who because of that appeared without money almost DYING OF HUNGER AND COLD in the poorest country of Eastern Europe), UNDERMINING FUNDAMENTAL essence of Money, - a need to pay debts!
I am returning the bills attached below back to Swiss Government with informing it that in 12 hours I will consider that beginning of their DEBT TO ME,
You wanted to obtain from me IMPOSSIBLE THINGS, - you will get it then!
Since 01-01-2020 I will officially charge Government of Switzerland for being a part of this Bgate ( scandal of Century and direct involvement into the crime of Financial Genocide ( with attempts of my KILLING, - literally!, - by hunger and cold, jobless and homeless (without registered permanent home address in my passport I currently may not apply for any job, hotel, and even bank account) it exposed me since December 4 after illegal placing into Swiss prison handcuffed,
unless immediate compensating the sum in amount of ten times bigger, - namely, 17,500 CHF, - through Western Union by the end of 2019, as a compensation for my efforts to deal with derivative problems (receipts of related payments for $300 and $400 fines of November and December paid by my supporters instead of Barclays bank, as well as previous payments of Barclays' Debt #1 totaling $1,700 are available on request).

Happy New Year!
With the last with the last beat of 2019 clock,
under sound of clinking YOUR glasses
flow of YOUR TIME may be changed

s- Video -Bankruptcy Of UK.jpg

Date: December 30, 2019

In violation of all fundamental principles of a fair trial and Universal Humanitarian rights, and under silent approve of Swiss Presidents,
- namely, Ueli Maurer, President of the Swiss Confederation
Karin Keller-Sutter, Head of the Federal Department of Justice
Guy Parmelin, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs
and related Swiss UN officials,
- including Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva,
Amina Mohammed, Volker Turk, Olga Algayerova, Melissa Fleming, Mami Mizutori, ...
the Swiss authorities,
starting from Mario Gattiker, Staatssekretariat für Migration (SEM),
rejected my appeals for providing me with any qualified  lawyer's and translator's support for presenting and defending the truth behind my unprecedented case in the court, its anonymous federal employees in the SEM twisted and reversed at the very beginning because of existence of their own interests fraudulent in nature. The Swiss Federal Judge Danielle Cattaneo chose not to take the latter into consideration, let alone starting corresponding investigation on the matter, referring the law (tricking enough by itself for supporting any Judge's decision) in the part of the formal excuse for stopping any legal procedure for purely financial reasons he knew was ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for me to satisfy. Thus, despite extraordinary importance of resolving my case, which may have global consequences for the whole world, including Switzerland, the Swiss Supreme Court's justice presumably designed for seeking the truth, had boiled down to the banal transaction of selling the truth! Anyway, that formal indulgence for top Swiss managers issued by its Federal Court for escaping the job they were hired for was unlawful both directly (Swiss law demands setting the value of the courts' bills according to real financial ability of related participant, which in my case may not be exceed the ABSOLUTE ZERO level that is the key element of my life story during last years), and indirectly (the Judge refused even to consider any possibility of applying similar charges to my "competitor" SEM, which are reserved by the Swiss law, before starting an official proceeding my case in essence).

All of the above is Swiss continuation of the Financial Genocide of me started by Barclays bank in Geneva two years ago:
Combination of complete absence of money
together with lack of opportunities
for legitimate income
Just like any other kind of murder
At least as its official accomplice

Several weeks ago Swiss authorities deported me from Switzerland,
associated with currently
of its licensed in Switzerland
branch of Barclays Bank,
which may overturn the
world's banking industry,
in handcuffs,
after illegal keeping me for several days
in Swiss prison together with criminals
despite I Never Broke The Law,
to start a "new life"
in the poorest country of Europe,
which is excluded by Switzerland
from its list of "safe countries"
the SEM's decision makers
prefer not to know about.

The problem of the
"neutral" Switzerland
with my case, however, is:
It is not neutral anymore!
In addition to joining my
Financial Genocide,
since at least October 2019
Swiss SEM created precedent

forbidding me to transfer
my own money
for avoiding confiscating
last remains of my property
destroyed by Barclays bank
in 2017
(see my previous emails to you).

And here it is:
in the beginning of January
I need to pay for the above
 at least $400 as fines,
in addition to the $700

 paid for me as future debt
(all receipts are available)
that would not exist
without "help" of
And that in addition of
I had paid instead of Barclays early:

I am proposing to you to
Through Western Union
instant money transfers
to my name in Ukraine!

I am also asking  you
to cancel your decisions
on my case, starting from
your impossible demands
for the Federal Court's fee
(currently only 1,750 CHF
- do you really believe I will
pay it without multiplying
my financial counter-demands
to Swiss authorities and
and grant me the legal status
I applied to Switzerland early.

since January 2020
I will officially launch my

(Barclays/BOE Debt to Beloy)
Swiss authorities are
a part of which,
with sharing with you
the Barclays' responsibility
for further consequences
that may trigger end of the
world's banking industry
and next (last)
financial crisis

Sergiy Beloy,
Creator of BMoney,
De-facto Owner of Barclays Bank,
Msc. Information Management (degree with distinction from the University of East London, UK)

Last, but not least important request for the year 2019.
At the moment Swiss police sordidly called by the SEM
put its handcuffs on my hand, me, as a blogger, was
busy (and thus violently interrupted) from gathering
money trying to help the  poor Ukrainian woman


See continuation in


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