To Federal Court of November 12

Federal Administrative Court
Postfach CH-9023 St. Gallen
Fax +41 (0)58 465 29 80
Federal Administrative Court. St. Gallen, Switzerland 
This is my response to the Federal Court's letter of October 30, 2019

Last week you said to me:
"Finally, it should be noted that the Court of First Instance has already noted that, despite the fact that it is undeniable that ethnic tensions may actually exist in Ukraine at the moment, it cannot be inferred from this that there is systematic discrimination against persons belonging to the Russian-speaking community (CF. judgment of the General Court E-898/2016 of 18 April 2016 -- <hereinafter : Case#2> --- and references cited)."
Beginning with, the referred CF Court's decision is absolutely inapplicable in my case:
The Case#2 is about young Ukrainian who was trying to escape a military service in 2014, at the peak of EuroMaidan revolution. In addition, "he claimed to be running off his country as a result of the administrative proceedings instituted against him by reason of purchasing a vehicle abroad with subsequent transfer of funds", "to which are added the criticisms that he allegedly expressed against the new Ukrainian authorities via his social network". The only reference to language issues were that "he was refused a hotel room upon his arrival, thus he would have felt discriminated against as a Russian-speaking Ukrainian, which is why he would have to leave the country in the airplane to go to Switzerland, where his sister lived".
In contrast, in my age of well after 50, I had to leave my home country 3+ years later, despite I never was saying I was trying to avoid a military service (I already performed that duty during 2 years in my young age). And I did it EXCLUSIVELY because of numerous threats to my life due to my political activity! My route, timing, and proof for my excellent financial status at the point of departure is available in the SEM's files. I never broke the law, and always tried to avoid any involvement in suspiciously dubious business practice. During one and a half of years I was dealing with all the impossibility of existence without any money at all (as well as no right for a legal job, no relatives), just because I always count on my own abilities first. But even the later advantage the SEM managed to turn against me.
In that court hearings the "system" conflict in relation to using Russian language was not studied at all. Rather, it was shortly mentioned that the fact of existence that problem could not be decisive for Swiss asylum: "The fact that he is Russian-speaking person is not decisive in this respect, as there is no reason to believe that, as a Ukrainian national, he would risk suffering a discriminatory sentence linked to his extraction".
More serious questions, however, are raised by its main conclusion the Court has made a part of its negative decision on my case. The existing discrimination against Russian-speaking people in Ukraine is not "system"? Please see the detailed denial of that allegation in my 
"Mini-Reasearch on UA language" here:

In may case the language problem is not the only one. But it suddenly became a decisive point for the SEM's decision on obligatory deporting me to Ukraine!
Despite, once again, I have all reasons to state I have all required chances for the positive decision on my Swiss asylum!

Meanwhile, the conclusions of the court like "he is young and obviously able to support himself", "financial aid from his sister in Switzerland is not to be excluded", and "he did not claim any particular health problem" are less relative to me as the SEM allegingly suggests. I have no parents anymore. And I have no home in my home country anymore! Even if exclude the direct threats to my life due to my political activity, I would be forced to start everything anew in the bankrupt country with inevitable start of a civil war in the nearest future, where my knowledge of Russian and English languages, on which I obtained all education, is categorically excluded from the official list of state languages forever (see details in my Mini-Research on UA language"). And even the exceptionally good for my age of 54 health, caused by years of hard and purposeful efforts that ultimately allowed me to remain alive after impossible existence without money doomed by my own bank, Swiss authorities use against me, as a reason for rejection asylum help and dying somewhere outside "neutral" Switzerland, rather than for a really successful integration into it.
Some Court's opinions sound weird for those who has a first-hand experience of living in Ukraine during last five years. For example, the Case#2 briefly remarks that if the authorities were "aware of the criticisms he claimed to made, via the social network of which he was a member, against them with regard to the terms of their accession to the power, that they did not, however, considered anti-government to the point of trying to apprehend him after preventing him from leaving the country legally". That assumption is naive both for its inapplicability to my particular case, and for the general practice of related security agencies. If the police really decides to arrest somebody, it's next to impossible to escape that. And if the state decides to attack somebody, that's hardly to be made by state officers. Rather, the task would be assigned to certain third-parties, officially not-related to the top governmental officials. And I have all reasons to believe the attacks to me discussed during SEM's interviews were practiced by the sides alike . There would be no official orders. The reality of current Ukrainian environment is people can go to the work, and simply never return back.
It may be there are no serious reasons "relating to the appellant's identity" in the Case#2, which would prevent his return to Ukraine, but in my case those reasons exists, and they are serious ones. See beginning of that topic at my websites
Today the Swiss lawyers blame me why I did not wait for the point when it would be impossible to leave the country legally, after which the state would try to detain me, but I would miraculously escape police, the National Security Service, and with the help of deception somehow cross the Swiss border illegally. In other words, why I tried not to break the law, and ultimately remained alive!
It may be the conclusions of Court like "the asylum application of a person who would have access to protection in a part of the territory of his country of origin where he has no reason to fear persecution or exposure to serious harm may be rejected if it is reasonable to consider that he can remain in that part of the country" (ATAF 2011/51 consid. Eight) have sense for the Case#2, but not for me. What exactly part of the country can be considered "safe" for me, if I protested against robbery of the WHOLE country, and faced threats from both political sides, the most strong and aggressive of which has came to the top state power now.
My activity wasn't distributed in some specific local area. I used Internet that exposed my views to the whole country. On another hand, its target was the top managers of the whole country. So, to what part of the country I should go then according to SEM's suggestions?

What the Case#2 has common with my case? Excepting the country of origin of its applicant, nothing! The same can be said about its other references.
I would be grateful to the Court if it finds the real legal precedents when a Ukrainian citizen refuses to break the law, even with the danger to his LIFE, with a documented evidence for that fact during last 20 YEARS(!) (otherwise I would get my money from my Barclays bank accounts and never appeared in Switzerland asking for the help), then makes IMPOSSIBLE survival during almost two years of his existence WITHOUT ANY MONEY AT ALL, which ultimately caused biggest financial players to own me the ABSOLUTELY UNPRECEDENTED in the banking history "INFINITE Debt!", and continues to fight for the future of millions people, despite the desperate uncertainty of his own personal status.

Speaking about referred by the Federal Court concepts of "Attribution" theory, and "Protection" theory, they both produce a favorable decision for my situation. For the former case I experienced threats from indirect agents of the state, professionally trained and exceptionally supported financially. For the later case, most Ukrainian people will strongly doubt the opinion of Swiss experts about perfect availability of adequate protection against persecution in Ukraine.
For beginning, see my "Mini-Research on Ukrainian Protection":
It is just a small tip of the huge iceberg
of other related evidences on the subject.
By the way, the Court's materials for the Case#2 "also note that since June 2014, Ukraine is no longer on the Swiss list of so-called safe states where it was registered in 2007", ....
And my arguments presented to the Federal Court on October 28  were excluded from any discussion and even mentioning at all!
Now I am starting to doubt the Swiss justice!
Having absolutely no legal support, last week I tried to contact some free lawyers, once again. Their behavior, however, appeared rather shocking!
When the lawyers read just one last page of the recent Federal Court's decision, they simply refused to help me, - WITHOUT READING MY CASE AT ALL!
The Federal Court's judges should not ignore the reality that their decisions are considered by other professional lawyers as fully legitimate legislative acts, - AS LAWS, despite they are not the laws!

From my appeal to the Swiss government:

"The Judge Dantele Cattaneo is not a legislative body
(moreover, that is directly forbidden for him
due to obligatory separation of the three governmental branches).
He is not the Law!"

In my case, the lawyers were practically paralysed by the Court's statements like
"so far as the conclusions of the appeal were, from the outset, doomed to failure".
It's like announcing a final death sentence out of cancer, no matter whether that diagnose is true or not.
I have more than enough reasons to state that is not true!!! But realizing it in practice appears technically impossible!
Among other things, it seems the Federal Court uses the same approach towards initial SEM's decisions, without reading related details, where that thoughts appeared first.
My point is I found the Swiss state may take any decision about my asylum it wants to, no matter what the Law is used. So, why its decision is negative in my case?
Is it a political decision?!!!

Anyway, Swiss authorities simply are making me a politician!
My original political case triggered another political case with my bank, which is even more important for the public interest, and much larger than the original one!

If required, the Federal Court can apply a Special Procedure for my case according to the Article 30 2-1 (PA): "If it is likely that many people will be affected by a decision or if the identification of all parties requires disproportionate effort and excessive costs".

Nevertheless, the SEM did not address that side at all, despite it was a part of my appeal from the beginning. And despite my repeated and desperate attempts to draw his attention (see my emails and Text to Lawyer) to this side of the case, which SEM unfairly called "unrelated" to my asylum appeal (yet another "separation" of the SEM).
Switzerland has a stable juridical and other infrastructure. Nevertheless, the level of abusing the law by Swiss authorities in my particular case appeared extraordinary!
If I cannot achieve protection in such presumably perfectly safe country as Switzerland, what kind of protection I supposingly will be able to achieve in Ukraine?... The fact which I am trying to prove now is that my case was wrongly marked as "doomed to failure" from the beginning.
But I know the TRUTH. How I can accept the lie of the Federal Court? That will be my lie!
I am a Christian. And according to the Bible, the truth cannot be different for different people, as the SEM suggests. The truth is only one! "Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No.’ Whatever is more than these is of the evil one"(Matthew 5:37 <>). And the whole decision on my case boils down to just one simple choice:
I am either trustful person, or not.
The whole case is about that only.
I state I am a honest person
the words of whom should be trusted
(and refer <> to my whole life as evidence).
The SEM states I lie.
And the Court makes the choice now.

If Swiss authorities state the real events of my own life are falsification, I will need to continue my mini-research. Obviously, with corresponding publishing its result at the public Internet. And I cannot guarantee consequences of that will cost Swiss authorities less than their positive decision on my political asylum.

What are chances for (balance of "probability of success") in my case? According to SEM, ZERO! Isn't it that fact a clear evidence about what exactly level of protection I should expect in officially corrupt Ukraine the SEM complains for absence of? The fact of issuing their negative decision has created the missing proof of evidence in my favor the Swiss authorities wanted to obtain from me. And from now on I may use that fact against Switzerland.
Swiss .... was ideal for me.
And I still hope it will be ideal! 
And I need to do all that being under constant SEVERE PHYSICAL PAIN from the from at the place of my destroyed teeth, obtained during suffering from the HUNGER and COLD at the streets of rich Switzerland:

This is video of September. Because of refusal of Swiss SEM in any medical help about it, since then my teeth were destroyed to a much greater extent, and now it has been transformed into two  

In a way, that was a religious conflict: I was believing into Christ and his justice ( ), while my opponnents believed into another God, - money and its absolute power on the earth, replacing with it all other gods. That is, the Religion of Money. While nobody is capable to serve two masters, "You cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 6:24 - ). "Mammon in the New Testament of the Bible is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain" ( ). Such extreme forms of manifestation of that as the global FinancialGenocide my life case is a part of, are about complete forgetting about everything the Christ was teaching the world, and cold practicing Devil's math at approaching the impossible for existence zero ground level without thinking about human lives behind it:

I am desperately fighting for being a HUMAN!
Dear Judge, be a human too, rather then a "counting machine"!

I am kindly asking the Federal Court to review its decision on my asylum.
According to Article 5 B(a) the Federal Court is empowered to "create, modify or cancel rights".
Important point: Absence of money, caused by the need to leave my home country due to my political activity against state financial frauds, and aggravated by stealing from me my life savings with the help of the Swiss Barclays bank, appeared for the Federal Court the decisive reason for dismissing my case?!!
According to this paper, YES:

Then the outcome of the whole legal procedure appears directly dependable to financial status of applicants. "You have Money - you have Justice!"?? The more money, the more "justice"? No money at all means no Justice at all?!!
The SEM silently agrees with the above. Being fully aware about "progress" of my appeal to the Federal Court, it has made no move towards asking the court for a monetary relief in my case. Let alone complete reconsidering its decision on my asylum, which obviously abuses Swiss Law. At the same time, it enjoys such monetary relief for itself as a state organization. It can become a precedent, however, for my using the hidden from the public knowledge on the matter against both SEM and Federal Court.
According to The Code of Judicial Conduct (, the judgies "shall refrain from any conduct which might give rise to questioning their independence". So, are the judges of the Federal Court independent from the power of Money our civilization is based upon? And answer to this question is principal.
In particular, it may affect validity of the currently popular "protection" theory that denies right for asylum if an official state infrastructure is formally in place. When the level of such "protection" directly depends on the level of financial rank of the country, it will become obvious that most poor countries are simply unable to provide any real protection for majority of its population. Ukraine is currently the poorest <> country of Europe, thus incapable for a reliable legal protection by definition. So, where to Switzerland, one of the richest country of the world, proposes me to apply for the help, with supporting its conclusion by evidently broken "protection" theory?

Please note, the above-mentioned document may become a negative verdict for the whole juridical system of Switzerland then!
In the full accordance with Swiss legislation, including the FederalAct on Administrative Procedure (PA) 172.021, and AsylumAct ( AsylA) 142.31, I kindly ask the Federal Court for the following:
1. Relieve me from paying its procedural fees;
2. According to Article 55, II-4 (PA) reserve assigning that obligation (1) to the SEM due to its obvious abusing the law;
3. According to Article 33, V-2 (PA), reserve assigning those obligations (1)(2) to the SEM related to the price of obtaining the proofs it demands from me;
4. According to Article 33 H-bis-3 and 4 (PA), agree for using international English language for communication for my case: "Where a party produces documents that are not in an official language, the authority may, with the consent of the other parties, waive the requirement to translate them. ... If necessary, the authority orders a translation". In my understanding, English should be known by everyone at the top level of Swiss society. The SEM is fully aware of a negative effect of using machine translation for any successful presentation. The fact neither SEM nor Federal Court (with all their proficiency in Swiss legislation, together with their categorical refusing my requests for translator's assistance) never proposed to me communicate in English, says a lot about their prejudice about my case and me personally.
5. According to Article 11, III-2, and Article 26 G-1-bis (PA), perform our further communication on the matter through electronic email correspondence.

Sergiy Beloy,
MSc. in Information Management (degree with distinction from the University of East London, UK),
Creator of BMoney.


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