Mini-Research on UA Language

Replying to the allegations of the Swiss Federal Court about what it calls a clearly "non-systematic discrimination against persons belonging to the Russian-speaking community", I am referring here the undeniable facts of existence Ukrainian policy on language that has a purely "system" nature.

Let me start from citing a reputable media source "Deutsche Welle":
"In Ukraine, the new law on the state language came into force. Now Ukrainian langauge will dominate in the public space, and Russian will cease to be the language of international communication ...
According to the law, the Ukrainian language will be mandatory used in the public and municipal sectors, in the medical and transport sectors, in the labeling of goods and services, in the arts, education, and media"
"Ukrainian language becomes mandatory for all media. TV shows in Russian or other languages must be duplicated in Ukrainian ...
For example, the Ukrainian language is positioned as the main language of publishing activity, and circulations in other languages cannot exceed circulations in Ukrainian. Internet sites must have Ukrainian-language versions, which must be opened by default. All cultural events should be held exclusively in the state language. Theatrical performances in other languages should be accompanied by subtitles in Ukrainian. In the scientific sphere, scientific articles and dissertations are allowed in Ukrainian or in the languages of the EU countries.
Ukrainian language becomes compulsory in preschool, school, extracurricular and
higher educational institutions."
"On national TV channels, the quota of the Ukrainian language is increased to 90 percent."

Just the gradual increasing of Ukrainian quotes says a lot!
Add to it the fact of a serious multi-layered planning at the state level for many years to come, persistent gradualness, and strict obligation of implementation the transition of the whole country to Ukrainian language officially enshrined in state legislation, and its systemic nature will become completely obvious.
"Introduction of language quotas on radio and television
On June 16, 2016, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted amendments to the law "on television and radio broadcasting" (entered into force on November 8, 2016), according to which the share of songs in the Ukrainian language in the radio must be at least 35% of the daily volume of broadcasting ...
On September 5, 2017, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted a new version of the law " on education "(signed by the President on September 25, 2017, entered into force on September 28, 2017). The document provides for a gradual prohibition of the use of Russian language in the national educational system ...
According to the new law "on supporting the functioning of Ukrainian language as a state language", Ukrainian becomes the only official state language in the country. Attempts to introduce multilingualism are seen as actions aimed at forcibly changing or overthrowing the state constitutional order.
In addition, the Ukrainian language will be the major one for the film industry, printing and publishing.
The Ukrainian language will be mandatory for all media, including Internet publications. The share of the state language on national channels should be at least 90% against the current 75%... and on regional channels - not less than 80% instead of 60%. All programs in other languages are subject to mandatory dubbing into Ukrainian ...
The law is introduced in stages" (

"Mandatory mastering of Ukrainian language for civil servants has already been introduced by the law "On public service". From now on, fluent knowledge of Ukrainian becomes responsibility of every citizen of Ukraine"
"Internet information technologies can be used to translate receipts and other printed materials into Russian or another language. For example, through the popular Google search engine translator."
The obvious disadvantages of similar tips are clearly visible in the example of the text of my Appeal to the Federal Court I had to translate through insecure online services into one of Swiss state languages. I can only imagine the level of distortion and unattractiveness of the resulting document critically important for a proper presentation of my point of view, which could affect the overall Court's decision for my case.
Taking into account my own experience in IT industry, I can seriously doubt existence of a really reliable machine-assisted translation in principle.

The "Deutsche Welle" continues:
"Former Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe framework Convention on the protection of rights of national minorities Francesco Palermo says:
Most Western European countries do not have a law on the official or official language. ... Thus, article 8 of the Austrian Constitution States that German is the official language of the state, and ... nothing more on the topic"

In contrast, Ukrainian government has made Ukrainian language the state one at every possible level.
"Termination of teaching in schools in the languages of national minorities. Since 2018 -from 5th grade and older, by 2020 -completely;
Since 2018, termination of publication of textbooks in Russian;...
The law demands termination of teaching in Russian language in schools in Ukraine by 2020, and termination of publishing textbooks in Russian in 2018.
In 2005, the Committee on science and education of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recommended to ban graduates of Russian-speaking schools to take exams in Russian in universities.

On January 22, 2007, the Ministry of culture and tourism of Ukraine signed a Memorandum with distribution companies and film demonstrators, according to which the companies undertook obligation to duplicate, voice or subtitle foreign-made film copies in the Ukrainian language in order to bring the share of dubbed films for children's audience to 100% by the end of 2007.
Since 2008, film distributors have been obliged to duplicate or subtitle 100% of the films shown in Ukrainian"

19 августа 2019
"President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky has repeatedly stressed that Ukrainian language will remain the only state language. ... Ukrainization is considered in the country as a way to create an independent state. After the final split of society in 2014, the eradication of the Russian language from all spheres of public life became a symbol of the development of the new statehood."
So, if the language problems in Ukraine are not "systematic", what they are then?

"Ukraine appeared on the verge of an infrastructure disaster, but its authorities are fighting the Russian language, dissent and political opponents instead of solving the problem."
Moreover, Ukraine must continue investing in the unprofitable by definition language projects huge sums of money:
"... The public discontent was caused by the need of significant taxpayer funds for the "propaganda scheme". According to the head of the Committee of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada on freedom of speech and information policy Victoria Syumar, launch of the project will require about two billion dollars -the amount equal to a quarter of the country's defense budget"

In addition, there are purely financial measures against Russian language usage:
"In those universities of Ukraine, where part of the lectures are given in Russian, it is a common practice to pay for the work of Russian-speaking teachers at lower rates"

And that's despite "there is no other minority language in Europe that has the same positions as Russian in the former Soviet republics"

"... Russians and Ukrainians a hundred years ago were a single nation living in a single country.
In General, ethnic groups are defined by a separate language, traditions and culture. But the culture and traditions in Ukraine are no different from Russia.
And the shape of their ears is the same. And the shape of their noses.
Actually the only distinction is the language they use. And that is the only one that allows more or less specifically distinguish Ukrainian from Russian. Because there are no other differences at all."

Let's hear professional linguists:
"It is believed that the old Russian language split into national languages in the XIV-XV centuries."
"Of course, when there is such an opportunity, people prefer to use one language, it is easier. ...
In General, even linguistic community in Ukraine was speaking about Ukrainian language in Russian. And now we have to write everything in Ukrainian, but not everyone is good at it. "
By the time of the Declaration of independence of Ukraine in 1991, " in Kiev, few people spoke Ukrainian. Rather, they spoke "surzhik" (a random mix of Russian and Ukrainian languages). .... Now it becomes difficult to defend dissertations in Russian. It is inconvenient, because chemists, physicists, mathematicians were left without language practically.
... But when politics comes into play, nobody listens to linguists"

"Ukrainian is a dialect of the Russian language, formed in the period from the 16th to the 20th century.
More simply, .. for whom the Ukrainian dialect of Russian language sounds native - that means being Ukrainian. And no other differences from Russians seems exist.
And now pay attention to who promotes the ideas of the Ukrainian nationalism:
... Those people are not Ukrainians. And never were"

12 марта 2010
Vladimir Litvin, ex-Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (the highest state Supreme Congress Of Ukraine):
"We are well aware that in the current situation, if we hypothetically suggest introduction of a second state language - Russian, we will actually have one state language — Russian. The Ukrainian language will not withstand the competition ..."
Wait a second. The confession of the top Ukrainian official mentioned above actually means that he fully realizes most people in Ukraine speak mostly in Russian. Nevertheless, using the full power of the state, he applies definitely artificial measures for enforcing majority of people to switch to the language of minority. In whose interests that move was then?
Indeed, why promote the language that for most population is definitely not as desired as top state officials want it to manifest? Who would be interested in such Ukrainization?
The Swiss authorities claim the resulting problems for Russian-speaking people in Ukraine are not systematic. But how those problems could arise then? If a real usage of Ukrainian was so weak that it cannot win any fair competition, how it managed to win it without a system support?!! That was IMPOSSIBLE!
The whole purpose of declaring Ukrainian language as a state one is purely political, that is, "system": Otherwise simply nobody would speak it.

"Earlier, the President of Ukraine said that the country "will develop the Ukrainian language as the only state language".
But as we saw above, the establishment of Ukrainian langauge as the state one is far from recognition of its importance for majority of population. Rather, that is a tool for artificial establishment of such importance, without which it will never be important for the majority.

"In Ukraine, books of Russian publishers are banned, Russian-language channels are blocked, and in the Dnieper city authorities want to ban the playback of songs by Russian musicians.
On September 18, it became known that the Lviv regional Council imposed a moratorium on the public use of the so-called Russian-language cultural product.
Lviv deputies plan to extend the bill to the whole Ukraine. In particular, they want to appeal to colleagues from the Verkhovna Rada with a proposal to ban the public reproduction of audiovisual works in Russian."

"Decisions for this year seems will not especially affect interests adults viewers (provided, that DVDs will simultaneously dubbed to the Russian). However, the 100%(!) provision for duplication of children's films grossly violates the right to raise children in their native language. Now a Russian-speaking child in all Ukraine (including Russian-speaking regions, in particular, Crimea) will not be able to see the film in their native language at all.
.... Everyone wants to watch movies in the language that is convenient for him. The situation is complicated by other circumstances: both sides do not want to recognize a similar right for the the other side. It's obviously, Ukrainian authorities are not concerned with harmonization of the interests (which, if desired, could be achieved), but rather with unilateral Ukrainization".

And now I propose to think, why so is happening. Is it a coincidence?
"Ukrainian language is a dialect of Russian language, formed in the period from the 16th to the 20th century.
... In general, it is possible to invent a new nationality and develop a new language in every city. But for what?
The main trouble is not that Ukrainians declare themselves a separate nation and thus make a terminological confusion. The main trouble is WHY it is done.
To call Ukrainians a separate nation means confusing people. But that's just a half the trouble. The main trouble is that Ukrainians are declared a separate nation not for fun, but for a specific purpose. And that purpose is not good.
The one who calls Ukrainians a separate nation, aims to separate them from the Russians, to oppose and sow enmity.
It is quite difficult to sow enmity between people of the same nationality. It is possible, but difficult. And this enmity will quickly be extinguished. And if you divide people into two nationalities and declare that they are different - then the task becomes much easy. And a war can be started. And this war will last longer and will blaze hot."

19 августа 2019
"The famous American historian, Professor of Yale University Timothy Snyder considers it necessary to create a special Institute for standardization and development of the Ukrainian version of the Russian language. In his opinion, the existence of the "Kiev edition", which differs both in oral and written speech from the normalized literary language in Russia, will contribute to the further separation of countries.
... With the amended law "On education", which will deprive the opportunity to study in Russian since 2023, millions of Russian speakers will appear in a deliberately discriminatory position.
... Snyder does not call to refuse total Ukrainization, ... Rather, he calls to use linguistics as another way to influence the opinion of people."

16 июля 2019
"New law on the state language has came into force in Ukraine.
Millions of Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine from this day turn, in fact, into second-class people. The law provides penalties for those who risk to speak in public places not in Ukrainian.
Administrative responsibility, however, was postponed for three years. But textbooks, court documents, campaign materials, even interfaces of computer programs in offices should be in Ukrainian only. The situation, which contradicts both national legislation and international law, is going to be discussed today in the UN Security Council at the request of Russia.
The law on the state Ukrainian language could be called the law on the prohibition of the Russian language. So, officially, since today the right to speak in Russian is cancelled for the President of Ukraine, deputies, teachers in schools and universities, doctors and pharmacists, public sector workers and police. It is much easier to say where you are allowed to speak Russian now: in everyday life and in the Church. That's all.
That generally contradicts the global standards of Human Rights, as well as the 10th article of the Ukrainian Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of use and protection of Russian language, " - said a leading researcher at the Russian Institute for strategic studies Oleg Nemensky.
Russian language officially loses the status of the language for international communication in Ukraine. Although in Ukraine there are citizens of hundreds of nationalities, millions of them speak and think in Russian. At least a half of Ukraine's population uses Russian in everyday life, including the previous President Petro Poroshenko and the current President Vladimir Zelensky. "
Problems with using Russian language became a political tool. Otherwise it simply will be impossible to become successful, let alone become the President. If these difficulties are not systemic, then what are they?
«President Zelensky traditionally flirts, like all presidents, absolutely flirts with the nationalist electorate, because the nationalist electorate is connected to the West. Therefore, quarreling with certain nationalists ...he quarrels with the West as a whole," explained political analyst Denis Zharkikh.
On television, the Ukrainian quota is 90% nowadays. And all Russian-language programs should be simultaneously duplicated. Russian-language newspapers must be published in Ukrainian too, electronic media must have mirror sites in the state language. Otherwise fines are imposed ... everything must be urgently translated into Ukrainian. No one dares to object ..." .
"And this is understandable, in the country has developed, so to say, Russophobic political correctness — if you stand for the Russian language, you are declared a traitor, separatist. Morever, as there is no legal space, the person declared a traitor is almost defenseless from a legal point of view" — said Oleg Nemensky".

"The need is really about statistics. Despite the five-year attempts of Kiev to change the situation, about the same part of citizens (49 percent) still speaks in Russian in everyday life. Moreover, Russian prevails in informal communication — with friends, acquaintances (52 percent) and on the Internet (56 percent)."
My personal experience tells amount of Russian speaking people is much higher. Even if not take into account a "traditional" manipulation with statistics in Ukraine, there is another, purely psychological reason for a possible data distortion:
"According to the President of the Kiev international Institute of sociology Valery Khmelko, in Ukrainian society there is a paradoxical situation when many people call their native language Ukrainian, but speak Russian!"
Meanwhile, "70% of Wikipedia pages were opened by Ukrainian users in Russian, and only about 13% in Ukrainian".

"The current government has approved a long-term program of popularization of Ukrainian language. The strategy "Strong language means successful state" assumes that the share of citizens who exclusively or predominantly use the Ukrainian language in everyday life will be at least 75 percent by 2030, while at least 80 percent of Ukrainians will call it their native language"

According to new Ukrainian law, "Russian language in Ukraine finally loses the status of the language for international communication", continues the "Deutsche Welle". "The new language law assigns these functions exclusively to Ukrainian language".

If Russian language problems in Ukraine were "non-system", they would not be used by current government as a sign of assumed political affiliation with so called "Russian World":
... Rostislav Ishchenko, President Of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting, expressed his opinion on the draft law banning the so-called propaganda of the Russian world in Ukraine.
"It was suspended for political reasons. But this did not prevent neo-Nazi gangs from carrying out language regulation at their discretion, prosecuting people, precisely for using the Russian language. Similarly, without any laws, the Security Service of Ukraine initiated criminal cases for the so-called propaganda of the Russian world. They are trying to bring the legal framework under the real reality, but not because they suddenly felt ashamed for violating the law, but because they need to put political and diplomatic pressure on Russia... " explains Rostislav Ishchenko.
"The actions directed towards eradicating Russian language had split Ukraine in 2014, when Donetsk and Lugansk regions took up arms and went against the authorities, and Crimea held a referendum and separated from Ukraine".

No matter whether the SEM, Federal Court, or Swiss government decide to groundlessly ignore the sources proving the conclusions that clearly doubt rightness of their official policy (and thus simply reject such sources from consideration during seeking the truth, as they practiced in my case), the fact is, some obviously false statements affected their official decisions.
The question who are main beneficiaries for such artificially created language problems in Ukraine demands conducting additional researches. I already warned ( the SEM, Federal Court, and Swiss Presidents that the conclusions can appear sensationally awkward for the EU countries in general, and Switzerland in particular.

- to be continued -


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