Last Warning To SEM!

Re. "To UN Commisioner"

Today, at the All Saints' Day holiday (a day off for most Swiss cantons, excepting Bern), I kindly ask the SEM to review its decision of October 4 on my asylum. The whole story is currently at a critical breaking point: When I proceed with Federal Court investigation, my case will be published in its public database and become a famous precedent for all its further decisions forever!

On the other hand, I simply have no other choice. If required, I will continue applying to Swiss Supreme Court, The Court for Human Rights, etc. to the END. Because in my particular case your negative decision will mean resuming the currently delayed DEATH!!! In particular, from the Financial Genocide I described to you, UN, and the press early. Please note, the SEM is a part of it already (see my previous emails). The Federal Court's attempt of dismissing it for financial reasons will only aggravate that killing!

Based on evidently falsified SEM's assumptions, the Federal Court's preliminary conclusion confirmed SEM's decision. The problem, however, is, those assumptions do not correspond reality. It would be surprising if Court's conclusion would be different then :-)

The main element of SEM's departure from the truth consists of substiuting corresponding terms of Swiss law from the "existence of threats" to "existence of proofs" for the threats. Despite even legally these things are not equal. At the one hand, the SEM staff many times agreed for existence of such threats for me, officially and off the records. On the other, it completely ignored impossibility of practical obtaining documented proofs for threats to my life in my particular case. Meanwhile, that really deadly threat is much more serious act of horror than today's artificial Halloween fun!
In result, the Federal Court cites to me the BVGE 2011/51 that non-governmental threats are considered only when adequate legal protection from the state is absent. Well, but who was saying about "non-governmental" threats? Definitely, not me!

The SEM wrongly identifies threats to my life as as non-governmental, despite all the evidence I presented to think the opposite. Also direct links to top political is always difficult to prove, the fact is my videos were targeted against political groupings who attempted to carry out a coup of the existing government for obtaining their personal financial benefits.

The links are evident, considering the level of organizing and financial supporting  those groupings. They definitely were professionals, hired by certain political figures. Everybody in my country know that! However, it's practically impossible to prove in the court. So what? (The modern history can give you a lot examples when the whole world know about existence of some military actions, but it was simply impossible to find a single alive person who would agreed to testify it in the court officially).

Despite all my public protests, ultimately those people completed the coup, and since 2014 have became the state power. In that case chances for any practical probability of existence reliable protection of the state from its own attacks is extremely slim! And that's what I was proving during the SEM's interviews. I always act within rigid boundaries of what is possible to do. My main focus was then to demonstrate the SEM the fact of existence the situation in which the deadly threats to my life could be implemented at any moment! I managed to leave my home country before those threats became a reality, and that action may not be used against me now!

I explained to the SEM that I appeared in the middle of the financial war between both fighting sides: At the one pole, I was attacked by Ukrainian nationalists whom I argued out of joining the EU on the unprofitable for Ukraine financial conditions. At another, I was threatened by supporters of Russian-speaking parties for my refusal to promote their intentions to join the Russian Federation.
In addition, financial part of my asylum case (conflict with the biggest British banks, resulted in their actual cancelling the world's usury, which causes END OF Capitalism) can be considired political too! Some radical left parties could be interested in my physical disappearance to fix the cancelling forever!

Thus, the threats to my life could not be resolved by simple moving to another "safe" part of Ukraine the SEM and Federal Court strongly suggests me to do now!
As a former honorable Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow from the American government, I have enough professional knowledge about financial types of the resulting Ukrainian robbery.
My diploma from the American University in Washington, D.C., signed by the US President:

And main focus of my videos in Ukraine was a sincere protest against certain fatal financial consequences those top Ukrainian governmental managers have been a part of which.

Please also note that your further forcing me to continue this legal battle against Swiss authorities I have no desire to continue, will inevitably result in the need of reviewing the official Swiss policy! 

Both SEM and the Federal Court ignore my ABSOLUTE LACK OF MONEY! Moreover, the SEM has assisted in destroying remains of my property in my home country (see details in my emails attached). It might be understandable they are not interested to know the level of my related problems because of the above. In particular, about the need to walk(!) under heavy rain 17 kilometers to (and 17 kilometers from) the nearest city just to reach the nearest post office for sending my official reply to the Swiss Federal Court before required deadline (because I couldn't buy any bus ticket). While nobody asked me whether I have the money for sending the letter by registered post at all.

And due to existence of the purely technical difficulties created by the SEM for preventing using my right for a proper legal protection, since tomorrow (my case has no day offs) I am starting publishing my counter-arguments for Swiss Federal Court's objections through the Internet community, starting from my newest blog I created last week:


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