To UN High Commissioner!

To: Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein

94 Rue Montbrillant, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

Cc: Antonio Guterres, The Secretary-General of the United Nations,
(the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 2005 to 2015).

Financial Genocide is the act of killing of a person or a group of people exclusively on the basis of absence of money. That absence becomes a murder weapon in itself. Its victims die of HUNGER, thirst, cold, etc. And result of the Financial Genocide (physical death) is no different from any other kind of murder.

Nevertheless, the Financial Genocide is definitely beyond the scope of the UN's and international legal framework, including current legislation for criminal and financial crimes.

For example, the official UN's definition of Genocide does not include clear provisions for purely financial reasons that can cause human death(s). Financial legislation makes no distinctions whether level of transactions approaches zero or no (from strictly mathematical point of view, there is no difference). And any financial crime is generally defined as a crime that is specifically committed against property only.

However, the problem exists. And I personally face this problem right now. The same way millions people will need to face it during the nearest financial crisis. Someone will need to raise this really global issue someday. Why not me? And why not now?

Together with a real exceptionality of my case in many aspects, evident failures of Swiss authorities during my asylum seeking process made me a unique insider of the concept.

Critical lack of money hurts!

Total absence of money kills!

Swiss SEM's authorities are preparing me to the


somewhere outside "neutral" Switzerland.

And that despite I have had more than enough reasons to expect from the SEM a positive decision on my asylum. The negative decision made by Swiss authorities is formally correct, but only formally. Their main reason for the rejection was a lack of 100% perfect proofs for threats to my life in my home country. And their refusal to provide me with a lawyer and translator for making an appeal to Swiss Federal Court, together with obligatory need to pay for the court services in advance, made my chances for success approaching to zero!

However, I continued fighting, and made and sent the appeal on my own. That also forced me to study Swiss legislation seriously. And the conclusions I finally made appeared really SHOCKING:

Current Swiss legislation on immigration is so permissible

that it allows the SEM to make practically


Advantage of my current knowledge about that

I can turn that feature against the SEM

as it becomes unclear what exactly was a reason

behind its previous negative decision.

For example, the Swiss Asylum Act limits the maximum term for asylum procedure to 140 days, but in practice the SEM can take any decision at any time, e.g, immediately, or easily extend it to any term beyond the 140 days.

The same is true about most of its articles: Practically every article on is uncertain to the degree possible decision can be taking in rather wide range! Including the key part of that law (Article 3.1):

"Refugees are persons who in their native country or in their country of last residence are subject to serious disadvantages or have a well-founded fear of being exposed to such disadvantages for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or due to their political opinions".

As a famous blogger and creator of politically oriented videos published on Youtube under my real name, I was recognizable on the streets, - and really had the well-founded fears after direct threats to my life!

In turn, the Federal Court supports its preliminary conclusion by referring other court cases absolutely inapplicable in my particular one. I simply have no time for a proper response. That is simply technically impossible!

This is also my request to the High Commisioner with an appeal for URGENT help in my particular case: Is there a proper legal grounding for what I call "Financial Genocide"? And if not, why not?!! I am experiencing it right now, and need an URGENT help to fight it!

I am not a lawyer. Nevertheless, I need to do the lawyers' job now, - just to remain ALIVE!

If Swiss authorities reject me for political asylum status (humanitarian one they simply refused to discuss), they will continue the process of attempts of Financial Genocide started in 2017 by Swiss branch of the Barclays bank in Geneva, - and ultimately KILL ME! I will need continue my sufferings from HUNGER, THIRST, and COLD I desperately fight against during last years until my last breath.

The only thing I don't have is time. My time on the Swiss land is quickly running out, as the only official statements on the matter I have from the SEM and The Federal Court set the term for my deporting to Ukraine to the dates that are in the past already!

Right now I URGENTLY need the

best lawyers and the best translators!

I want a certainty about my Future!


See more details at my websites,
starting from:


Sergiy Beloy,
Creator of BMoney,
De-facto Owner of Barclays Bank,
Msc. Information Management (degree with distinction from the University of East London, UK)

See update here:


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