
Showing posts from October, 2019

To UN High Commissioner!

To: Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees The UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein 94 Rue Montbrillant, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Cc: Antonio Guterres, The Secretary-General of the United Nations, (the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 2005 to 2015). Financial Genocide is the act of killing of a person or a group of people exclusively on the basis of absence of money. That absence becomes a murder weapon in itself. Its victims die of HUNGER, thirst, cold, etc. And result of the Financial Genocide (physical death) is no different from any other kind of murder. Nevertheless, the Financial Genocide is definitely beyond the scope of the UN's and international legal framework, including current legislation for criminal and financial crimes. For example, the official UN's definition of Genocide does not include clear provisions for purely financial reasons that can cause human death(s). Finan

To UN Re. Financial Genocide

Re. Financial Genocide! Date: October 23, 2019 To: Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, UN's offices in New-York and Geneva The proposed definition of Financial Genocide: "The Financial Genocide is the action, or intentional (fraudulent) non-action when it's possible to stop or prevent consequences of, decreasing amount of money in possession of a certain person or group of people to ZERO, or critical levels approaching to ZERO, which causes, or attempts to cause the death of those people due to resulting absence of their life supporting opportunities, or RELATED PROBLEMS that otherwise would not exist." See more at: 10/financial-genocide.html  Current stage of Capitalism is a nothing more than just a system of hidden redeployment of world's resources. The aim of introducing international convention(s) with corresponding legislative acts against Financial Genocide consists in a prop

Financial Genocide!

Re. " The Fundamental Dividing Point " of October 18 To the United Nations This is to introduce the notion and report the case of " Financial Genocide "! The term derives from extending the meaning of " UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide " (CPPCG) , " The Universal Declaration of Human Rights " (UDHR) , and my political research on the case of unprecedented attempts of killing me by the Barclays bank under silent approve of EU's and Swiss authorities. The UN documents referred above are ratified by 140 countries, but have two principal drawbacks: (1) the lack of effective enforcement mechanisms, especially for prevention of corresponding critical events, and (2) avoidance to analyze roots for the reasons of creation such events. My first conclusion is t

Fundamental Dividing Point

From my message to Swiss Federal Court: " There is a hidden global war the generously funded by international community United Nation prefers not to address, despite outcome of that war will have a huge impact on the lives of everybody in this world. That war lasts for centuries and millenniums, and is a key ideological point that has divided our world in two. This is the eternal battle between Good and Evil! The war includes the battle between religion and science, between unconditional believing in God's miracles and demanding evidence of those miracles, between faith into human word and decency and unbelief in anything unless it is formally complies with the current law. Since August 17, 2019 that war includes the battle between me and Swiss authorities ... The point was the SEM did not trust my words, despite there was no evidence I lied to it, or EVER , before! Instead it demanded from the formal proof that is simply IMPOSSIBLE to obtain. And as of Octobe

To PRESS: Financial Genocide in progress!

Two years ago I left my home country for political reasons. Eight months later I run out all money, while my bank refused to give me access to my savings. For the following one and a half years I appeared in Europe ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY! I couldn't afford to live there, and I couldn't afford to go anywhere in the world. Without right for legitimate job and without any source of income, I was dying of HUNGER, THIRST, and COLD at the streets of rich countries. I made a real Miracle to survive in that shocking life deadlock without breaking the law (I Never Broke the Law in my Life), without becoming a beggar asking for mercy with my hand outstretched  (I Never Ask Anybody of Anything), and without taking any banking loan (I Never in my life applied to banks for a loan). Most people in my situation would be DEAD! On August 17 I applied for Asylum in Switzerland. Two months later Swiss SEM rejected my appeal, thus continuing the Financial Genocide started by

New dimension of my case on October 28

Fragments from my response to Swiss Federal Court on October 28, 2019: The SEM uses lack of documented proof for existence threats to my life due to publishing my politically oriented videos on Youtube as a main reason for rejecting my asylum appeal. Here are the facts not discussed properly during SEM's interviews. 1. It's mostly a question of trust to my words. But why? There is a lot of evidence why its authorities should belief to my word. I never was lying to the SEM before, created the unique BMoney project based on the honesty of my words! That's a story of my life after all! 1.2. Moreover, it's simply IMPOSSIBLE (!) to obtain such documents in my particular case. The people who attack never propose their visiting cards with real name and home address to their victims. The SEM, however, fraudulently ign