Fundamental Dividing Point

From my message to Swiss Federal Court:

"There is a hidden global war the generously funded by international community United Nation prefers not to address, despite outcome of that war will have a huge impact on the lives of everybody in this world. That war lasts for centuries and millenniums, and is a key ideological point that has divided our world in two. This is the eternal battle between Good and Evil!
The war includes the battle between religion and science, between unconditional believing in God's miracles and demanding evidence of those miracles, between faith into human word and decency and unbelief in anything unless it is formally complies with the current law. Since August 17, 2019 that war includes the battle between me and Swiss authorities ...

The point was the SEM did not trust my words, despite there was no evidence I lied to it, or EVER, before! Instead it demanded from the formal proof that is simply IMPOSSIBLE to obtain. And as of October 4, the authorities won that battle."

I, Creator of original BMoney based exclusively on Trust, am rejected with my appeal for the help of Switzerland due to lack of documented proof for threats to my life.

The history repeats itself. During 16 years the Barclays bank had no doubt in my identity, but used a lack of formal proof for that as its legitimate excuse for STEALING my savings. Only three years ago the Barclays accepted I didn't lie. However, that appeared too late (by that time I was bankrupted because of the debts created by bank's cutting access to my money). Moreover, that formal acceptance has not resulted in returning me my money up to now.

During last months Swiss authorities doubted I say the truth. Despite I never lied to them before.
They ignore confession of President of our country he made at the UN session just several weeks ago, showing there the bullet that killed a famous Ukrainian singer early. "The price of this bullet is $10. And that is a PRICE OF LIFE in Ukraine nowadays".

Instead, official Swiss authorities demanded from me the kind of legal proof the famous political activist produced the world recently after unknown people sprayed sulfuric acid in her face:

That would be a 100% perfect proof for Swiss authorities.
The problem is that person died shortly after that ...

And authorities are sorry it wasn't a case in my story?
"The activist Ganzdzyuk reproaches law enforcement agencies for the fact that they still have not found customers of attacks on political activists. Activist and adviser to the mayor of Kherson Ekaterina Gandzyuk, who was attacked with sulfuric acid, recorded a video message to the Ukrainian authorities and citizens of Ukraine. The video was published by Hromadske TV. Gandzyuk reproaches law enforcement agencies for the fact that they still have not found the customer of the attack on her, as well as the customers of the other 40 attacks on activists that have occurred over the past year.
"Who ordered all these people? Who covers the customers? Why so many investigations are being sabotaged. Why should we suffer the most active of us to be killed and maimed? Why do we encourage people to engage in public activities but fail to protect them?"- asks the activist"

See more at

What happened with this world?
Public tend to believe more in mathematical formulas behind crypto money than to real people behind it.
Today I appealed to the Swiss Federal Court about fundamentally different way of approaching the truth both in political and financial domains. As example, I refer details of my original project for creating my own BMoney based exclusively on the trust in oral word!

Today the question is, on whose side of this eternal battle between Good and Evil the Swiss Federal Court is. I sent to it the Appeal on my case three days ago:

How I possibly could lie to the authorities if 
years ago I started my original project of

It implies I do not lie!!!
And Swiss Federal Court should take that fact into consideration during its reviewing the "balance of probability" for my case.
My conflict with the Barclays bank started from its distrust to my words. And it took for them 16 years to accept I was always telling to them truth from the beginning.
So it's natural I do not want my conflict with Swiss authorities, which is exclusively about trust,
be lasted for so long.

The aim of creating a new kind of unprecedented global money based on trust only
is more important than applying for any personal reward.
If, however, I finally applied to Swiss authorities for protection from political threats to my life, that means I really appeared at the edge BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH!!!
Anyway, my related statements should be considered with a higher degree of trust than the Swiss authorities demonstrate.

 In particular, I can swear that
every word in my blog

And my financial conflict with British Barclays bank
is integral part of my life story
that could affect the future
for the whole world

And I will fight for my ideals
to the END:

See more at:

as well as my initial VIDEO on the matter:

This is what I wrote to the press at that time:

And this is what other people say about my project:

 - to be continued -

This article was first published at my blog on October 18, 2019:


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