To PRESS: Financial Genocide in progress!

Two years ago I left my home country for political reasons. Eight months later I run out all money, while my bank refused to give me access to my savings. For the following one and a half years I appeared in Europe ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY! I couldn't afford to live there, and I couldn't afford to go anywhere in the world. Without right for legitimate job and without any source of income, I was dying of HUNGER, THIRST, and COLD at the streets of rich countries.

I made a real Miracle to survive in that shocking life deadlock without breaking the law (I Never Broke the Law in my Life), without becoming a beggar asking for mercy with my hand outstretched  (I Never Ask Anybody of Anything), and without taking any banking loan (I Never in my life applied to banks for a loan). Most people in my situation would be DEAD!

On August 17 I applied for Asylum in Switzerland. Two months later Swiss SEM rejected my appeal, thus continuing the Financial Genocide started by my bank!
Today I live in the state of shocking uncertainty, between shocking Past and impossible Future. Without any lawyer and translator, I continue fighting for my life and better financial future of millions people as a part of my BMoney project in Switzerland to the END! However, Swiss authorities want to send me back to my home country that I had to leave just to be alive.  And their official deadline for that was yesterday, October 28.

Please find URGENT opportunity for helping me in this unequal fight! With all my really excellent education in the Universities in the US and UK, I simply have NO FUTURE!!!

See details at my websites,
starting from:


Sergiy Beloy,
Creator of BMoney,
De-facto Owner of Barclays Bank,
Msc. Information Management (degree with distinction from the University of East London, UK)


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