Mini-Research on UA-EU Economy

Just the first two proofs that EU countries, including Switzerland, are the main beneficiaries of the EuroMaidan and resulting collapse of Ukrainian economy.

Interview with Vladimir Fesenko, Head of the Ukrainian Center for Applied Political Researches "Penta», on 23.08.2019:
"Now we (Ukraine) are more dependent on the support of international partners ...
Today we have became more dependent on the West than in the early 90s. But this is due to our course for European integration we took in the last 15 years. As we seek membership in the European Union, we must make certain concessions and adapt to its standards. And the signed Association Agreement with the EU again means our certain dependence.
In fact, in 2012-2013, Ukraine had to choose between two types of dependence: Dependence on the European Union, or dependence on Russia within the Eurasian Union. We chose dependence on the EU."
"... Choosing dependence on a large geopolitical and geo-economic entity, we chose dependence on a more civilized entity, which has more distinct legal and democratic rules". - Considering my own personal experience of dealing with Swiss SEM and Federal Court with their artificial complicating the whole procedure and obvious abusing Swiss and international legislation causes me more and more doubts about the "distinct legal and democratic rules".
"Editorial comment:
Publishing this interview with the venerable Ukrainian political scientist as usual without notes and withdrawals, we nevertheless would like to note certain important points which Vladimir Fesenko quite skillfully bypasses:
1. So far, "independence from Russia" has turned into an economic COLLAPSE for Ukraine: the total debt of Ukraine has grown, and currently is more than 70 percent of the country's GDP, the average wage has decreased in relation to 2013 (before Maidan) and became the lowest in Europe, and Ukraine itself is officially recognized by European financial institutions as the poorest in Europe. One of the main reasons for this is the breaking of economic ties with Russia, that is, the alleged independence from Russia Fesenko speaks about."

"The EuroMaidan, which started on November 21, 2013, was held under the slogan "We want to Europe!". However, after its victory, almost five years have passed, but European standards of living have not come to the country. More amazing, Ukrainians pay much more for gas than residents of the European Union!"
"According to the state statistics service, the main exporters of natural gas to Ukraine were companies from Switzerland, Germany and Poland."
Ukraine in 2018 pays for Russian gas by 23% more than Europe. In fact, Ukraine has overpaid $493 million for natural gas since the beginning of the year.
"However, ... Ukrainian experts have long proved that Kiev physically can not receive any gas, excepting Russian one. This is confirmed by results of analysis of composition of the "reverse" gas that Ukraine receives from the EU. So Ukraine actually receives the same Russian gas, but buys it not directly from Gazprom. Instead, it buys it through intermediaries who sell gas at a discount. The case involves /artificial/ companies-"gaskets" from Switzerland, Germany and Poland."

"Lost Billions
The average cost of gas for Ukraine over the past nine months since the beginning of the year, according to the state statistics service of the country, amounted to about $289 per 1 thousand cubic meters. Russian gas in Europe in the same period was sold much cheaper.
"At the end of nine months, according to preliminary results, 148.24 billion cubic meters of gas from Russia was delivered to foreign countries under Gazprom export contracts, its average price was about $235 per 1 thousand cubic meters, "Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom management Board, said in October.
According to the estimates of the chief commercial Director of the Ukrainian company "Naftogaz" Yuriy Vitrenko, the level of overpayment for gas in some periods was even higher and reached 34% — as, for example, in March 2017.
Ukraine stopped buying gas from Russia in November 2015. According to the state statistics service of the country, over the next two years, about $5.4 billion was spent on the purchase of natural gas in Europe.
It turns out that during these two years, Ukraine has overpaid about a billion dollars, if the price of imported gas for Ukraine was only 20% higher than the cost of Russian gas in the EU.
In General, since the refusal to purchase Russian gas from Gazprom and taking into account various overpayments, Kiev's losses can be estimated at about $1.5 billion.
For the first nine months of 2018, Ukraine imported 7,852 billion cubic meters of gas for a total of $2.275 billion. the Corresponding data was published by the Ukraininan state statistics service on Monday, November 19."
See also how it all began at:

"If Ukraine had not severed relations with Russia after its EuroMaidan victory in 2014, it could buy Russian gas at a much better price, as Europe does to this day.
Meanwhile, Ukraine's losses from the EuroMaidan are much higher than the $1.5 billion the country overpaid for gas.
The EU markets did not compensate Ukraine for its fallen trade with Russia. Industrial enterprises that worked in cooperation with Russia, such as "Yuzhmash" and "Motor Sich", have not received new markets to replace the Russian ones, and now are forced to barely survive. The auto industry COLLAPSED, the chemical industry is on its last legs, entrepreneurs from the agricultural sector explain that the EU's quotas for agricultural products end during the first weeks of January. Since then Ukrainians have to trade chicken meat and other products at unprofitable high prices".
"The US Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Pyatt has promised to make Ukraine an agricultural superpower, but so far everything that is going on is only the intention of selling Ukrainian lands to foreigners, while local residents will work for foreign agricultural corporations, at best, as a cheap labor."
"The population of Ukriane is extremely poor: According to official data of the UN and other international institutions, 60% of Ukrainians live below the poverty line. At the same time, about a third are starving. Besides, Ukraine is in first place in Europe in terms of corruption".

"The conclusion is evident — the true winner of the EuroMaidan are not people of Ukraine, but rather the European Union itself, which earns hundreds of millions on the supply of Russian gas to Ukraine and receives low-paid European-born migrants' labor."- (

I was sincerely protesting against that financial robbery of Ukraine by financial-political elite, despite our forces were obviously not equal. That is how I ultimately appeared in Switzerland without any money. Today Swiss Federal Court demands from me the ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE in my situation $750 just for proving my life story. Instead, I am doing it through my websites right now, - FOR FREE!


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