
To Presidents of Swiss Confederation -3

Re:  " To Presidents of Swiss Confederation -2 " My most recent letters to Swiss Government it simply did not respond to: Date: January 6, 2020 To: Simonetta Sommaruga, President of the Swiss Confederation 2020 Karin Keller-Sutter, Head of the Federal Department of Justice, Guy Parmelin, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs Cc: Walter Thurnherr, Federal Chancellor of Switzerland, Filippo Grandi, United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees, The United Nation offices in Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss & Worldwide PRESS, Internet mass-media This is an official charge of Swiss Government and related federal authorities in the crime of attempting my MURDER according to Financial Genocide definition , which is in progress right now! The chain of actions taken by Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) under silent approval of Swiss Presidents and United Nations included abusing Swiss and international laws (starting from direct vio

Bankruptcy of the UK


End of Everything!

Re. Countdown for CRASH of British Financial Empire! The “neutral” Switzerland continues its Financial Genocide of me started previously by top British bankers, with sending me in handcuffs to die somewhere beyond its borders. Under silent approval of Her Majesty The Queen, British Mps, Swiss Presidents and UN, the world is coming to the next (last) financial crisis. Last Sunday I announced it officially: United Kingdom is BANKRUPT: And don't tell me I'm doing that against the law. Unlike the Barclays' CEOs, who deal with hundreds legal suits against them every year, I have all reasons to state I Never Broke The Law! Even under deadly threats of my KILLING the CEO constantly create every day for years! Despite all UN's Universal Human Rights laws, Swiss authorities took away any “free” legal support for my extraordinary important case, making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to win them in the court fai

Countdown for CRASH of British Financial Empire!

See follow-up of this event at   To: Her Majesty The Queen, Royal Family, British MPs, Rothschilds, Press Please help me to stop KILLINGS of the British (worldwide) banking industry and me personally! The open refusal of the London-based Barclays bank to pay its debts to me during twenty years has resulted in increasing the sum of the debt to the UNPRECEDENTED INFINITY !!! Thus, for today the second biggest ("system", too-big-to-fail) bank of the UK is BANKRUPT. So is the underlying Bank Of England , as it refused to pay me the Barclays' debt (under silent approve of regulators, British MPs, Royal family, and You personally). And such bankruptcy of the Central bank   means bankruptcy of  Your United Kingdom!!! Since 2016 CEOs of related banks attempt to KILL ME, their biggest creditor and because of that de-facto owner of Barclays bank, instead of paying their debts. Conceptually, that